Water Training
CUWBC is very privileged in being able to train on both the River Cam in Cambridge and the Great Ouse at Ely. Ely offers straight, wide and uninterrupted stretches of water which enable our crews to gain superior endurance, stamina and fitness. The trialling year often starts on the River Cam to maximise water time and to ensure our rowers are eased into the careful balance of early morning training and academic study. Following the Fours Head, all water training takes place at Ely usually before lectures in the mornings and on weekends. The CUWBC boasts a fleet of high quality eights and fours ranging from an Empacher to a Filippi. Our equipment is top of the range and housed in our boathouse in Ely Marina, along with our coaching launches and equipment.

Water training in Ely.
Land Training
CUWBC trialists are fortunate to have access to the Goldie Boathouse, owned by the CUBC, on the River Cam for ergometer training. This facility has been recently upgraded and now incorporates an indoor rowing tank. Circuit sessions and weight training take place at Fenners; the University Gym in Cambridge. Land Training is crucial for building both the strength and stamina required to beat Oxford in March. Our Coaching Team carefully designs optimal land training programmes for the trialists as well as providing supervision and guidance during these sessions.
Land training at Goldie boat house.
Throughout the build up to the Henley Boat Races in March, trialists will have the opportunity to race for CUWBC in a number of high profile events. The club has consistently put in strong performances at national events such as the Fours Head in November and the Womens Eights Head just prior to the Henley Boat Races in March. In addition CUWBC enters races on the River Cam. Half way through the trialling year the Trial Eights Race is held – an opportunity for our coaches to ensure we are on track for winning three boat races in March.
In the run-up to the Henley Boat Races, CUWBC holds racing fixtures which enable us to assess our race preparation. In the past we have raced many of the Tideway Clubs and other top UK womens crews both on the Tideway, at Ely and on Dorney Lake at Eton. CUWBC holds its annual training camp in early January, shortly before term resumes after Christmas. This gives trialists the opportunity to have a break from Ely and the Cam and consolidate training on an alternative stretch of water to spend concentrated time developing their technique and fitness.